1F POPを抜け、更に奥のロッカールームを抜けた階段を上がると…
そこには、SPEAK EASYな隠れ部屋が現る!!!
Behind bar POP... back past the coin lockers, and up a “secret” flight of stairs...
lies the speak-easy influenced “Lemon”.
『Lemon』と名付けたWORLD最上級のVIPルーム。約20名の着席カラオケVIP ROOMを丸っと貸し切ってお楽しみ頂けます。営業時間内、外でも女子会や誕生日会利用も可能です。
(要事前予約 ☎075-213-4119 予約時間 17:00-5:00)
Bring the top VIP room at Club WORLD, it boasts seating for 20, a full bar, karaoke set, and is available for reservations. Whether WORLD is open or closed, you can book Lemon for “Ladies’ night’ or birthday parties.Advance reservation necessary: calls accepted between the hours of 0pm-5am. 075-213-4119